Yandex Plus for Children Poznavarium
Bring to life the magical world of Yandex Plus for Children in an advertising installation so that it resembles a real children's attraction. Fill the object with educational and creative interactives to show the full range of possibilities of the Yandex Plus subscription for Children, and how useful it can be in terms of development.

In this project we did the design.
In creating the installation layout for Yandex Plus for Children, we immersed ourselves in the magical world of childhood, collecting references and exploring children's perceptions. Every detail of the stand became a unique element of the children's attraction, inspiring joy and creativity. The design process was like a guiding star, leading us into a world of vivid impressions and educational development for each child.
3 days
For design
16 times
Listened to the songs of the Bremen Town Musicians in the Yandex Music section
1 backstage video
We specially filmed the entire process from construction to the event
Produced in in 2023
© Jeneva Production 2014 — 2024
PIB 114436445
Maticni broj 67573153